About Us

"Celibacy is the only 100% effective way to prevent out-of-wedlock pregnancy and STDs."

WAIT is an organization under the direction of founders Minister Dexter L. Jones and Minister Petula Battle that is focused on celibacy as the only 100 percent effective way to preventing pregnancy and contracting STDs. Our objective is to educate and inform our teens through educational and motivational programs geared toward promoting knowledge and inspiration to wait.

We accomplish this by reinforcing self-confidence and positive values, goals, dreams, purpose and attitudes as an important prerequisite. We conduct seminars and workshops at schools, churches, after-school programs, teen-retreats, etc. We also teach about relationship building, STDs, pregnancy, and abstinence. The time has come to take back our teens through education, inspiration, motivation and eventually celebration as we see our teens  that are sexually active go from sexually active to celibacy with the idea to abstain from all sexual activity until marriage. And those that are virgins remaining so until their wedding day.

         "Celibacy is the only 100% effective way to prevent out-of-wedlock pregnancy and STDs."